Security and Privacy > Report a Security Issue
Proof of Concept The proof of concept is the most important part of your report submission. Clear, reproducible steps will help us validate this issue as quickly as possible.
A clear and concise title includes the type of vulnerability and the impacted asset
What is the vulnerability? In clear steps, how do you reproduce it?

Drag & drop or select more files from your computer (max. 50MB per file)

What security impact could an attacker achieve
About video proof of concepts
Video proof of concepts are a great tool to provide evidence of a security vulnerability. It can also improve the clarity of your report if you're struggling to describe the vulnerability. However, please note that a video proof of concept should not replace a written report. This functionality is designed to enhance the reporting experience. Excessive use may result in additional report rate limiting.
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Additional information about the discovery of the vulnerability you're reporting.
Help us understand how long it took you to find this vulnerability
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